This report from Collaborative for Frontier Finance (CFF) explores strategies to mobilise local pension fund capital to support small and growing businesses (SGBs) in African markets. Developed through a collaboration between multiple international and local partners, the report aims to address the shortage of growth capital for SGBs by leveraging the significant but underutilised resources held by local pension funds.

Discover case studies from Ghana, Zambia, and South Africa on integrating pension funds into the small business finance ecosystem. Learn more about:
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How can local pension funds be leveraged to finance small businesses?

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What are the main challenges pension funds face when investing in small businesses?

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What de-risking strategies are effective for small business finance?

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What role do market builders play in unlocking pension fund capital for small businesses?

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How do co-investment strategies benefit pension funds and small businesses?

Susan de Witt

Director - Collaborative for Frontier Finance (CFF)


World Economic Forum Global Alliance for Social Entrepreneurship (Global Alliance)


GSG Impact


Zambia National Advisory Board for Impact Investment (NABII)


Sustainable Development Investment Partnership (SDIP) 


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GSG Impact