The highlight of the event was IFVI’s release of thousands of environmental impact valuation factors, covering 430 different environmental impacts across 268 geographic locations. These are available now to enable companies, and their investors, to value their environmental impacts across air pollution, land use, waste and water pollution.
For the first time, investors will be able to rely on robust data to measure and compare in monetary terms the impacts created by companies. These ground-breaking resources will revolutionise how we account for sustainability in financial terms.
IFVI, GSG Impact, and the National Partners are now ready to lead the advance of mandatory impact accounting for over 50% of the world's investors and companies. This includes (i) disseminating data and insights to each country, (ii) leading training, capacity-building and advocacy work locally and globally, and (iii) implementing pilot programmes with companies, investors, and regulators across multiple countries. This is a watershed moment for impact accounting and the GSG Impact Partnership across over 50 countries has a key role to play.
GSG President, Sir Ronald Cohen, set the tone of the event, together with Harvard Business School professor George Serafeim with their talk “The era of impact accounting has arrived”.