With the rapid growth of the global network of GSG National Partners, we are accelerating the impact revolution within and across national boundaries. With rapid growth come growing pains but also exciting opportunities to launch and drive shared campaigns and initiatives.
The GSG Annual State of Play Report provides an annual stocktake of our progress across the global network and important insights into the challenges and opportunities facing GSG National Partners and the global network as a whole.
In 2019 GSG Impact introduced a selfassessment survey instrument across the global GSG Impact Partnership. Eighteen National Partners completed that survey in the first quarter of 2019. By aggregating the data gathered through this survey instrument, GSG Impact and GSG National Partners leaders have gained valuable insights into the state of play of the GSG Impact Partnership
These include:
The current self-assessed performance of GSG National Partners across a number of key performance dimensions and indicators
The wide range of GSG National Partners structures and approaches, including membership composition across the five pillars of the impact economy
The sources and uses of funds being deployed by GSG National Partners to underpin their programmatic efforts at a national level
The number and nature of human resources supporting each GSG National Partners' efforts