As GSG National Partners look to be the vanguard of the impact revolution in their national economies, GSG Impact provides a platform and space for GSG National Partners to share and learn from each others’ experience.

This Action Guide outlines how GSG National Partners can take full advantage of the shared learning opportunity presented by National Partner's Dialogues by suggesting topics of interest, presenting at National Partner's Dialogues or simply attending and exchanging views with other GSG National Partners.

Benefits of the GSG National Partner's Dialogues series include:

Icon People 01
National Partners
  • A convenient and safe space in which to share insights and learnings with like-minded colleagues from across the global GSG Impact Partnership.
  • An opportunity to learn about the latest insights and innovations from thought leaders and innovators outside the GSG Impact Partnership.
Icon Connected Points
National Impact Economy
  • A vehicle for accelerating the transmission of knowledge and best practices to help National Partners maximise their effectiveness in building the local impact economy.
Icon Globe
Global Impact Movement
  • Increased level of understanding among the GSG Impact Partnership on key topics leading to a more informed community.
  • Effective dissemination of best practices and lessons learned.
  • Engagement of National Partners with GSG Impact core team and global experts.
Krisztina Tora

Krisztina Tora

Managing Director - GSG Impact

Francesca Spoerry

Market Development Team - GSG Impact

Krisztina Tora

Chief Market Development Officer - GSG Impact